Monday, September 23, 2013

Pictures Around Easton

This building isn't at all attractive but the attempt at color when everything is just so helplessly faded draws me in. Plus, the architecture makes it look like at one point it might have been a special building, but now I don't even know what's there!

In attempts to beautify itself Easton does make an effort to throw in wonky contemporary art as everyday objects throughout the city. (More like a town, but I feel like they're a self-declared city).

The Deleware River is occasionally treacherous and for most certainly undesirable to swim in (although people still do). On the positive side, it is a lovely thing to take pictures of; in my opinion it is a hackneyed motif of all local artists, though it would be pretty if I weren't so bored of it.

My mom called this thing on the wall that borders the path along the sides of the river a "growth." She even saw an owl in it, in the highest part of it to the left of center, bordered by two up-protruding sticks that make a bowl shape. I see it since she pointed it out. If I knew how to simply make a circle on this picture to expose it I would.

I just really like the texture and yellow-gray combination.

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