Monday, November 25, 2013

I Know I'm Home When...

...there's a cat in the shower.

My Cat Going For the Seductive Look

Last Night Was Delicious

The lineup of wonderfulness.

The remnants. Not getting the tempura roll again; it had some odd goo in it that reminded me of mayonnaise. Otherwise, amazing.
Had to add this. Nick has this great way of looking purposefully creepy when I'm taking pictures.
I wish I could use chopsticks!

First Snow I've Observed! (This year!)

My Brother Couldn't Park This Day (apparently)

Maybe he was pretending to be me...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Editing Project #2 Images

Today has been so productive! I have been at the college all day killing time until I leave for the weekend, so I have been finishing things and feel so much lighter in doing so! 
So here are the five images I am choosing to post from my second editing project. Another task checked off the list, yay!
 I like this picture because it looks like a still-life. If it weren't so mundane I'd want to paint it.

 It sounds awful, but I think one of the elements that is appealing in this picture is that Lyla is not smiling. It's not just another picture of a happy kid; if anything she looks cynical.

Constructed Reality Project Images

This project was actually REALLY fun and I wish I had put a little more time into it and hadn't needed to resort to waking at 6 AM to get to the labs and finish and whatnot but overall I am pleased and definitely would like to do it again.

Reality #1:

This was the first and not very great- I made it in a bit of an "Oh my goodness I need to make something for this project!" fervor. It's surely not perfect or even that exciting.

 Reality #2:

The ironic thing about this image is that I finished the first and was stumped on what to do for the second so I was like oh, I'll just do this...and it turned out to be the best received! I do admit it looks nifty but if I had any idea that it would be liked as much as it would I would have executed it a tad differently.

Reality #3:
 Even if so many things are off about this image (the backpack's too bright, the mug's out of focus, edges are certainly too sharp), I am SO proud that I made it. It was actually strenuous inserting all of those layers of wood to make the cabinet. I started out with a scan of a sketch I'd made as an outline and just built things onto it It was fun but tedious. I'm not quite sure what makes me go overboard sometimes. But at least it's over with!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Art in the Library (?)

Not sure why these pictures were hung in the library or who made them, but they are lovely!

Photoshop is Distracting

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Random, Interesting Things I Feel Like Sharing

This was randomly scrawled on a sidewalk, not sure why.

At the time I was like "Wow! This woman is the pinnacle of modern and trendy!" She made me wish I were a New Yorker or ever could be.

Cult of coffee consumers. (I'm a member, unfortunately).
These lights hanging from the Starbucks ceiling are so appealing! Certainly something to keep in mind for theoretical future decorating.
It amazes me how the OBEY Giant is such a phenomenon. The man I babysit for has the sticker on his bumper, I see entirely non-artistic (looking) individuals wearing sweaters with the image; in some way art is so disconnected from everyday life but then here's this fairly contemporary image that's becoming as known as Warhol's soup cans. It's great! But puzzling. What makes some things take off and others fall flat?

Not sure what "Juicy Canvas" is, but I love this sticker.
I've never seen this building before! This is the most massive post office I've ever laid eyes on! And, since I've never been to Washington D.C., probably the largest government building I've ever seen, too. Astounding, I should've looked inside!
Will pay phones ever become absolute relics? Are they doomed?

I certainly feel bad for them, but I wish I knew why they're there. How could you NOT have a home, or relatives to live with? At what point do you sleep on the floor of bus terminals?
(If I don't pay my college loans would I get there?)

I feel like I owe it to Aziz to post this, certainly free advertising. It was a pretty funny show to watch and it was Netflix's best recent add in months. Very rare occasion.

I want there to be a deeper meaning.

Hate To Say It, But...

The "#1 Falafel" tastes exactly like "Your Everyday" yogurt. 
Not that it tasted bad, but for something new tasting it was an unsatisfying, Deja Vu experience.

Someone Needs a New Bike


Last Thursday I went to New York and took pictures of EVERYTHING that caught my eye, (lots of ads, graffiti, some people), and I noticed that in two of my pictures there was evidence of "JIMJOE"... who is JIMJOE?!

Apparently JimJoe fancies himself akin to Spider Man; how'd he get up there?

These two things weren't too close to each other, either... he's a roaming presence! Haha.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

F-Stop Stop Action

F-Stop Stop Action from Joan Gavornik on Vimeo.

We're making stop action videos in my Basic Art&Tech class, and I'm so impressed and delighted by how easy it is! So I thought instead of doing something super creative like making unlikely things move it'd be more fitting for this class to make a stop action video by just changing the F-stop. 
 I took pictures going from the lowest to highest F-stop of a bagel my roommate's friend threw on the floor last night (darling) and a flower I stuck in there for randomness. 
 So this is a very unexciting video but it makes sense. The brightest picture has an ISO of 800, 4.5 F-stop, and 1/4 shutter speed. The darkest has the same ISO and shutter speed but an F-stop of 29.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bread Head

100% terrifying.
Attempt at editing made.

This is not even attempting Photoshop magnificence (shadows are all wrong) but I had the most bland weekend and the most interesting picture I took was a license plate of a Korean War veteran so I felt like I should make something. And take a ton of pictures this weekend.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Torres Family Dogs

Asher (left) and Paco

He looks cute and docile, but in actuality this creature doubles as a security alarm. No one can enter without him barking as if he's never seen the person before. He'd be annoying if he weren't so cute.
But Asher is 100% agreeable. One of the best dogs I've met!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What is Wrong With This Picture?

 Hint: the Sharp Fitness Center is not segregated by gender.

This is just pointless, unexciting irony.