Monday, September 30, 2013

Moral of Weekend of Plague

The moral is that high quantities of sugar is not a miracle cure for colds. Sorry.

Extra: Weird Perspective in Uncle's Truck

Lyla's Fourth Birthday Bash

Here's the birthday girl! I wish I could've gotten more photos of her but she was suffering allergies and constantly moving the entire day, not the optimum picture-taking time. I wish this weren't so blurry! She was dancing.

There was a flower theme for the party. (In case it's not obvious).
Their shaved kitty, Lola, a.k.a Bean, a.k.a Lean Bean.

Pinning the tail on the donky; even the 22-month girl enjoyed it!

The birthday girl systematically decimating her cupcakes. Icing first, then...well, it takes so long with the icing I'm actually unsure if she even eats the cupcake.

The gallery of Lyla&Joan fingerpainting.


Rather delicious.

My Uncle's Home

My Uncle is a HUGE gardener and delights in wonky floral arrangements (planting flowers so they'll bloom and look like a sunset) and particularly gargoyles. His home and property is lovely and I did my best to capture it in the evening light.

I found a grasshopper in this flower!

I need to find out how to put this home in "Better Homes and Gardens" one of these years!

Family Party Night

THE SMITHS- This is my oldest sister Nicole, who turned 29, and her husband Tom and ridiculously endearing baby Guinevere, who just turned 2 in August.

My brother, Mark, and his girlfriend, Sarah.

My favorite sister and Mark's twin, Alice.